Lorax EPI

August Release
by David Markham at 14:10 in Release Notes

As the August sprint comes to a close the Lorax Development team are pleased to announce the release of the following new features…

Submission Comparison

Submission calculations can now be compared to previous or re-calculated submissions from the same scheme and frequency (Annual, Quarterly etc.). Totals level data is displayed from both the current and compared calculation, and a % change provided for all data.

Part Level Audit Reports

2 new Part level submission reports have been added to the standard reports provided to submission calculations. Part Sales provides an audit of all of the parts (including those that did not get included in the calculation), along with audit information to help identify why the part was not in the calculation and sales information to help show which business rules were applied. Part Crosstab provides a breakdown of sales for each rule and attaches unit and total part figures for the submission as a crosstab.

Calculated Meta Data

Meta data is the additional information you need to load against entities within the system such as Product, Part, Supplier etc. This is normally loaded from external data sources or changed via maintenance. Calculated meta data is a new type we have introduced which cannot be loaded or traditionally maintained, but is calculated whenever other data changes.

This is particularly useful when complex calculations need to take place which would add significant processing time to any reports that require it or where user error might want to be removed on information that can be calculated from other data. Calculation of meta data points is performed in the background along with ETL processes and be instantly consumable to both the user and other processes.

We have initially added the following product level calculated meta:

  • Period last sold
  • Total sales this year
  • Total sales last quarter
  • Total sales to date

Other improvements

ETL Processing

  • Validation of sub-configuration id's for ETL configurations

General Reports

  • Improved column headings and lookup information on all reports

EPR Dashboard

  • Improved product information tabs with additional meta information and formatting
  • Improved part information pop-up with additional meta information and formatting
  • Summary and start up speed improvements
  • Reordered the recently calculated items to be based on those recently calculated first

EPR Reports

  • New crosstab styles for grouped calculations
  • Availability of extended fee information to totals reporting
  • Improved product hierarchy information on product declaration , sale rule audit and product rule audit reports
  • Consolidated the format of reporting range (date) across all forms

EPR Metrics

  • Consolidation of metric selections
  • Improved criteria selection
  • Additional reporting options
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  • Lorax Compliance Ltd.
  • Suite 6, Eleven Arches House
  • Yates Avenue
  • Rugby
  • CV21 1FD
  • England

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  • Environmental Packaging International
  • 166 Valley Street
  • Building 6M, Suite #103
  • Providence
  • RI 02909
  • USA
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