Lorax EPI

Extended Producer Responsibility scheme updates 2018
by Emma Mundy at 18:40 in Circular Economy, Battery, Environmental, Packaging, WEEE

December and January is​​ a busy time of year for us at Lorax Compli​​ance Ltd. We are busy updating all the information in our database and software on the changes to extended producer responsibility schemes for packaging, WEEE, batteries an​d all other extended producer responsibility schemes such as textiles, tyre and deposit schemes. ​

2018 Calendar.jpg​​​

​2018 is no different from any other year, there are a number of compliance scheme changes that need to be implemented in the software in order for our clients to be reporting correctly. 2017 has seen a number of themes in the environmental arena which have been reflected in changes and pricing for compliance schemes. Some of the themes we've discussed this year include: the implementation of the EU's Circular Economy Package, p​​lastic and its waste, and of course Brexit.

Along with legislation and policy changes we have seen a number of compliance scheme changes over 2017 and more to come for 2018 to reflect this. This blog aims to break down those changes for you in an easy to read summary. We will be updating it as and when scheme changes come through so if something isn't listed currently it may well be in the next few weeks.

Austria packaging, ARA

ARA has seen tariff changes for 2018, with some materials decreasing in price and some increasing. To see which material categories are affected and to enable you to budget effectively for the coming year you can view the Tariffs here.

Belgium packaging, Fost Plus

Fost P​lus, the Belgium packaging scheme, has also seen a fee increase from 2017 to 2018, with the majority of fees seeing an increase. The fee document can be viewed here​.

Finland batteries, Recser Oy

Recser Oy, the Finnish battery compliance scheme, has implemented a new fee list with an additional category for Lithium rechargeable batteries. Some fees have seen an increase. The fees valid from 1 January 2018 can be viewed here.

Finland packaging, Rinki

Rinki, the Finnish packaging compliance scheme have also implemented fee changes for 2018, with the majority of fees decreasing. Fees can be viewed on their website here.

France packaging, Ecoemballages/Citeo

Ecoemballages has merged with the paper scheme to become Citeo. New name, new branding and new prices for 2018 along with a category change for plastic packaging. Plastic packaging is no longer split into bottles and vials in clear crystal or blue PET, Other bottles (PET including green, red..) and Other plastic packaging instead all plastic is to be reported under one plastic packaging category in 2018. Citeo has seen some fees decrease and others increase. A link to the fees can be found here.

Italy packaging, Conai

After implementing changes to the way plastic packaging is reported throughout 2017, the beginning of 2018 sees the plastic packaging fees being implemented dependant on the selectability and recyclability of plastic packaging. Fees will increase for plastic packaging that is not selectable or recyclable. Therefore, it is important that obligated companies ensure they are able to define their plastic packaging and report it in the correct category. For more information on the changes to Conai and the way plastic packaging is reported please see our blog here.

From the 1 January 2018 plastic packaging will be priced based on the band it falls into. Band A: €179.00/ tonne, Band B €208.00/ tonne and Band C €228.00/ tonne.

The contribution for aluminium packaging will be reduced from the current fee of 45.00 Euro/tonne to 35.00 Euro/tonne from 1 June 2018.

Latvia packaging, Latvijas Zalias Punkts

LZP the Latvian packaging scheme have confirmed that there will be fee and category changes for 2018. There will be a reduced number of categories for 2018. The 2018 categories and fees can be viewed here.

Luxembourg packaging, Valorlux

Valorlux the Luxembourg packaging scheme have also implemented fee changes for 2018. This is a mixed bag with some fees increasing and some decreasing. The Green Dot tariff for 2016-2018 can be viewed here​.

Spain packaging, Ecoembes

The Spanish packaging scheme has seen a fee change for glass only for 2018. The fee for glass has increased from 0.0197 to 0.0212 euros per Kg. ​

If you need any further guidance on the changes for 2018 or any help with your submissions please contact us here.


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