How do you manage EPR?
by Joshua Martin at 15:56 in Environmental, Content under Environmental

As Extended Producer Responsibility ('EPR') regulations evolve and expand, it can be hard to keep up with the requirements and obligations. A solid data management process is essential to ensure compliance and avoid penalties. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best practices and tips for managing your EPR data effectively, through these 6 st...
SME National Business Awards 2023 - Why we are finalists
by Joshua Martin at 10:51 in Environmental, Content under Environmental
Lorax EPI are extremely excited to announce that we have been named as finalists in two categories in the SME National Business Awards! We have been shortlisted for the Corporate Social Responsibility Award and the Sustainability award! In a year when there was a record number of award entries, even being amongst the finalists is a fantastic testament to...
Lorax EPI bids farewell to Lifetime Packaging Professional Victor Bell
by Rachel Langhill at 20:31 in under Environmental

Whilst the beginning of 2022 brought many new producer obligations, packaging requirements and legislative discussions, the end of 2021 also marked the end of a legacy, as Lorax EPI wished our US Managing Director, Victor Bell, a happy retirement after more than 30 years of service in the environmental industry.Victor Bell is a Lifetime Certified Packagin...
Understanding global Plastics Pacts and their reporting requirements
by Rachel Langhill at 15:22 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
More than 450 organisations, representing 20% of all plastic packaging produced around the world, are now signed up for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, voluntarily agreeing to increase the circularity for plastic waste and eliminate all problematic and unnecessary plastic items. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has a...